Friday, October 10, 2008

This Just Cracks Me Up!!!


Syd said...

Those urka gurka's in the middle of the night by the dog and the Gack, gack by the cat. Both love grass.

Brad said...

It's silly and sick, but it's cracking me up!

mosiacmind said...

Hi friend...thanks for sharing the pictures of Maggie and also the cute and funny ones you find on the internet. I want to gag sometimes when Gracie is chewing on grass and I know what is to come. I want to be able to talk to you friend but misplaced your phone number...could you PLEASE email me it again...I would apprecciate it. I miss our emails but I know we both go thru times of not emailing much at all or emailing much...which time is it for you....not much email or emailing? i hope that you have a good weekend.

(M)ary said...


My cat Bonita eats the grass that my dog tracks into the house. Bonita is not allowed to go outside ever, ever, ever so she has to wait for the grass to come to her.

TraceyBaby said...

I laughed outloud on this one, Andrew~

Cin said...

I had to crack up laughing when I saw this. It is so true! Our dog eats the grass and does that. My kitties chew on some of my house plants and do it. GROSS!