Friday, October 03, 2008

Thank You!

I don't do this enough, but I'm doing it now.  Thank you to those of you that stop by, read, and leave comments.  You mean the world to me and your patronage does as well.  There have been some lonely days where a few comments, helpful comments kept me from pulling my hair out or made me smile.  It seems we are all in this grand experiment called life together.   It makes it easier to know you are not going it alone!   



vertigo is very scary and similar (in my opinion) to panic attacks..YUCK!

Brad said...

Thank you! for always being so open and honest. And always a great read.

Have a great weekend Andrew~!

Cheryl said...

I know just what you mean. It's amazing how a few comments can make your day. We really are a community of caring people. I'm glad to be someone you consider a friend.

(M)ary said...

you are welcome! reading your blog makes me feel less alone so thanks right back at you.

i am glad the vertigo is better. i am really sorry it happened while you were driving.

if it comes back, have it checked out by a doctor.

Jami said...

Andrew, I feel like a kindred spirit with you. People have often criticized me, especially family and people I get on forums with, for being so open about myself. I personally think that's the honest way!

Anyway, I ALWAYS appreciate people who want to be just as open and honest as I do. That makes ME feel less alone in this world.

You are an inspiration.

Kelly Jene said...

Big hugs my friend.

forsythia said...

I wouldn't want to miss a single day of your blog.

Me said...

Andrew why is it that you never reply to the comments people leave you. It would be nice to read your thoughs on what people have said.

I've never commented before but I love reading your posts and I have learned so much from you.

I really admire how far you have come and how open and honest you are. I'm sure it helps a lot of other people in the same situation.

And I just love Maggie... she always brings a big smile to my face.

Cookeville Weather Guy said...

Hey Andrew...just checking in on you....glad to see that your counter continues to tick off the days....keep on pushing one day at a time my friend. Please know there are a lot of us out here pulling & PRAYING for you.

Syd said...

Thanks for stopping by Andrew. I appreciate your linking to me. Glad that you are doing well. I look forward to reading more here.

Jessica said...

:) I read everyday to see how you are doing.

Theo Clarke said...

Your blog feeds into my LiveJournal Friends page so every day I find myself uplifted by your essentially positive attitude and by your courage.

Chandira said...

You give a lot back, it's always a joy to see your Twitters, or stop by hear for a longer read. :-)
You're never really alone if you don't want to be.