Friday, October 10, 2008

Pill Poppers Anonymous...

Mom and I were sitting at a red light in my car a moment ago.  Mom reaches into her purse to pull out three Xanax and pops them in her mouth.

"Is my driving making you nervous?" I asked truly concerned.

"No," mom said putting her hand to her forehead. "I've got to go see mother when you drive me home."

I smiled.  My grandmother is a hellion.  Two of her children aren't speaking to her right now.  The one in town needs to pop pills to go see her.

"Do you want me to go with you?" I asked.

"I think I am going to call her and tell her I have a stomach virus," mom replied. 

Mom is still sitting in my den and watching TV as Maggie sits by her side.  As the day grows shorter, there is less of a chance she will visit the nursing home.    


The Little Woman and Hubby said...

Unfortunately, I totally identify with your Mom. I could use a nerve pill when dealing with my mother. She has been doing better since I had a come to Jesus session with her after she acted up in the bank. I told her she better treat the people hand her money, food and medical care the best since they have her life in their hands. LOL! Our roles have changed, I'm the parent, she's the child.

Jenn said...

My grandmother was like that as well. My brother actually flipped her the bird as she lay dead in her coffin at her funeral. I never, ever thought of her as a grandmother. Even when I was young I called her my father's mother, not grandmother. It never felt right.

Summer said...

It's sad isn't it? I wonder what makes people so mean that their own children can't stand them?

(M)ary said...

that is sad for your mom. actually, it is really sad for your grandmother that she has to be such a lousy person. she missed out on the company of her own children.

justLacey said...

It was nice of you to offer to go, you're a good son.

Eric said...

My mom's mother was that kind of lady. I had been away from the area for many years and the very first words out her mouth when she saw me for the first time again were, " Yuo sure got fat."

Love ya Grams...:D

Leann said...

It is sad indeed Andrew. I work very hard on my relationship with my children and hope it always remains as close as it is right now.

forsythia said...

I could write a book. Mom is 99. Yesterday was a lulu. "WHEN is something going to be done about my foot?" "Does it hurt?" "No, but WHEN is something going to be done?" I reminded her that her standing appointment with the podiatrist was next week. "It's ALWAYS 'next week'." "Mom, this is your regular visit. We made this appointment last July." "This is the first I've heard about it." Not so. As I say, I could write a book.

Cheryl said...

My friend pops Xanax to counteract her diet cokes. Go figure. I'm glad you like hanging out with your mom. My mom misses me. I've been so busy with swimming and painting. She doesn't know it but I'm going over tomorrow. We'll eat at our favorite restaurant. I'll take it easy.