Sunday, October 12, 2008

Silence at Last...

I drove over to my parent's house this morning.  Dad had cooked bacon and biscuits.  I realized today how much he is like his mother.  Breakfast was the bonding agent in her family and she never let a day pass without preparing it.

"Did you listen to the game last night?" my father asked me as we sat and ate. 

Auburn lost badly.  I lied and said I did.  Actually, I could care less about football this year.  I never was a big sports fan.

All during our meal, dad's cellphone rang.  He would mutter damn it and would look to see who was calling.  They were all business related calls.

"I wouldn't want people to be able to contact me anywhere," I told him about his cellphone. "You know my phobia of the phone."

Dad reached over and turned the phone off and we both erupted in smiles as we finished our breakfast.  I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.  I love my father.  


impromptublogger said...

One should be able to have a civilized meal without constant interruptions. Good for your Dad for finally turning off the phone!

justLacey said...

I'm with you. I only have a cell phone for emergencies. I have to put in $20 every 90 days to keep it active and rarely use it. It's nice to have when I need it, but nice that it doesn't ring very often. As for my home phone, i would get rid of that if my husband would agree to it. No one good ever seems to call on it.

mosiacmind said...

I am glad that you had a good breakfast with your dad. I hope that the rest of your day went well also.

Jessica said...

I hope you had a relaxing Sunday. :)
My dad's phone rings a lot too, but luckily when I visit he normally doesn't answer while we are eating.

Cheryl said...

Em's phone is an extension of her hand, but it's all texts. I'm so glad you love your folks. It's good for them that they have you around. Not just the other way around, you know.

Leann said...

It must be nice to sit down with your parents and eat breakfast.

happyone said...

What a nice way to start the day. :-)

Eric said...

That was a class act from your dad!


Reminds me of when I was a kid,..if our phone rang(you know wall phones with the long yellowish tan cord) we weren't allowed to get up from the table to answer it..and if for some reason my parents happened to pick it up while at the supper table, if it was one of our friends, we'd get into trouble for them calling at supper.

FUnny how time has evolved, I'm glad he turned his off.

Now, how are you? Hope everything's okay?! Let me know!


mosiacmind said...

Hi friend...I hope that things are alright with you! I wonder when you do not post if you are alright. I know most people need to take a break from blogging at times. I am NOT trying to hassle you just really wanted you to know that I miss it when you blog AND i do understand when you need a break.