Wednesday, July 02, 2008

AA and Pimiento...

Lunch started with an AA meeting.  There was a small crowd attending and I got a lot out of it.  Afterwards, I sat out on a picnic table eating my pimiento cheese sandwiches.  They tasted better outside and made ahead.  It reminded me of all the times my grandmother would make pimiento cheese sandwiches for when we would tailgate before an Auburn football game.

Mom had a biopsy on an abnormality in her breast this morning.  Dad and she had to be at the hospital at 6 AM.  Ouch!  I just called her and she feels fine and is recovering.  She still sounded shaky over the phone though.  As if she was still anesthetized.

Me? I didn't want to go into work this evening.  All I had to do was the deliveries and there were only three.  That made my job a lot easier.  I've got to work to pay back the $1200 Dad paid for my computer.    


mosiacmind said...

Pimento sandwiches are so yummy. I will say a prayer for your mom Andrew that things go well and that there is nothing to worry about. Good for you for going to a meeting. I hope that your computer gets to you soon as I know that you are also. Have a good evening.,

CJM-R said...

I will pray all is well for your Mom as well.

Glad you got so much out of the meeting.

Paying for your computer is a good goal.

Take care.

Ellie said...

Hope your mom feels better. I think a person is really lucky if they have a job that they really enjoy! Happy Wednesday! :)

Leann said...

Woot on the new computer!!

Jenn said...

I keep good thoughts for your mom's health!

Jbeeky said...

I hope your Mom is OK and now you made me hungry!

Cheryl said...

I've never had pimento cheese. I wonder if I'd like it?

I hope the biopsy results are benign. Every woman fears breast cancer. I know I do. You'll all feel relieved when the results come in.

I wonder if you'll get your Dell tomorrow.

You haven't mentioned work in a while. Hasn't your dad been holding onto all your paychecks? Could you have earned the laptop already? I'm probably being too nosy. Sorry.

Glad to hear you went to a meeting. You've been out and about.

Le Fleur said...

I've never had pimento cheese either and I love all cheese, almost as much as I love chocolate, but you're making me hungry :P

Your family is in my prayers and I hope that your mother is alright.

Moonroot said...

Pimiento cheese sandwiches sound interesting!
Hope your Mom's OK.

justLacey said...

I hope mom's biopsy turns out ok. Usually they do. I keep checking in to see if the new computer has arrived.

Summer said...

Did they give your mom a preliminary report before she left the hospital? I hope all turns out well. I know how frightened she must be.

Portia said...

I love the happy associations we make with certain foods.

Good for you for going in to work even though you didn't feel like it, and I'm glad it was an easy night for you after all.

My best to your mom with all she's going through right now.

mosiacmind said...

Hi Andrew...It is Thursday and I wanted to say hi. I hope that you have a good day. Do you know anything yet about your Mom? I also wanted to encourage you that if it does happpen to be bad news and which I am so hoping and praying that it is not but if it is please do not drink over it! You will be able to do so much better and be such a great support like you are...but you need to be sobor to be a support. I know that you are doing great but I know too how it can be when the stress hits for it to be more tempting. I am eager to hear more about your computer. I was also thinking that since your dad has been holding your pay checks maybe that will be a chunk of what you owe him...just an idea that someone else mentioned and I thought the same thing. Hope that you have a good day my friend........

Anonymous Boxer said...

Wishing you a wonderul 4th of July weekend and sending good wishes to your Mom.

M said...

Hope the biopsy turns out okay for your mother!

I want to leave a comment for some of your twitters over on the right:

--I like my thermostat over 80 too but the air gets stuffy and I turn on the ac for airflow, then put on a sweater.
--I love NPR podcasts. I especially like the science and environmental shows. when you get your new computer maybe you could listen to podcasts.

AlabamaGal said...

I love pimiento cheese sandwiches!
Thanks for adding me to your blog list. :) I feel honored.
I am going in so many directions these days. Please forgive me for not visiting as often.


mago said...

Biopsy hurts. Always. Hope she is well off.
I wish a good and peaceful 4th of July to you and your family.

Jessica said...

Happy 4th Andrew! I hope all is well. :)

EE said...

Pimento cheese is my absolute favorite sandwich!
I'll be praying for your mother.