Monday, July 07, 2008

Thoroughly Useless...

That's me today.  Thoroughly useless.  I've been all thumbs and screw up everything I touch.  Now, I am sitting at work wondering what I can screw up next.  Bad karma must be bearing down on me hard today. 

I gave up on my "no air conditioning" experiment at home.  I was trying to save money and was thoroughly miserable in the heat.  Everything would be damp and clammy in the morning as well sleeping with the windows open.  What would I have done without air conditioning in the South 50 years ago?

I called Karen today just to speak.  Karen is the lady I spoke of yesterday. 

"I am probably being too forward calling so soon," I told her. "I bet I sound desperate."

She laughed and loved my candidness.  She said it was refreshing. I hung up the phone with a big, broad grin on my face.  


Annabel said...

I think you are so brave for calling her. Don't you just love those moments that make you grin like that?

mosiacmind said...

That is so great Andrew that you called her. I like Anabel echo what she says about being brave. I too like those mements that makes on grin in such moments like that Maybe you can ask her if next week after the aa meeting you two could go out for coffe or were you thinking about getting together wtith her sooner...but i think talking on the phone a few times is a great ideas and to ask her out after an aa meeting would be nice.......another idea i have and feel free to ignore all of these it to take a picnic with you and then after the aa meeting you could ask her if she would like to go out for a picnic...........i think all of these things would be alright for getting to know as friends or if you are thinking of more...but just a reminder is that really believe me waitng until your a year sober works out so wise..but that is not reasosn to be friends and also it will not be too long until you have a year.

Brad said...

I'm glad you got up the gumption to call Karen - RIGHT ON DUDE !!!!

Jessica said...

Yay! :) I'm so happy for you!

M said...


i remember about 7 years ago i started the summer swearing that i wouldn't use air conditioning. on the hottest day, i had to go to a wedding. i was sweating and limp by the time i got to the wedding and had to leave the reception because i was feeling sick.

oops. that was the end of that experiment.

Summer said...

You are refreshing! Don't forget it!

I grew up without AC and I don't know how I did it. Even now with the AC on and a ceiling fan I'm in hot flash hell with menopause. Ha!

Talk about karma...

Mo said...

I'm proud of you for calling!

Bridget said...

Ditto bravos on calling! I have found that in my life, the things I've regretted have been the things I DIDN'T do as opposed to the ones I did do. Also - baseball adage: We miss 100% of the swings we DIDN'T take. I'm glad that you've been attracted to a kindred spirit who's been sober for a while - that's very important for you. Take it slow (very, very, very slow) and enjoy the ride. The electricity when meeting someone you hit it off with is amazingly coolc, and I'm happy for you.

simonsays said...

Oh how I know the kind of days you are talking about, it's sort of like the Midas touch in reverse, and I thought I OWNED those. :)

I'm impressed with your ability to call Karen---it's good to take a risk now and then. I'm happy that you are making new friends, that is hard to do.

I hope today is a GREAT day for you!

justLacey said...

I grew up in FL without air conditioning until I was a teenager. I guess we were just used to it then, but now...NO WAY!
I'm glad you gave your new friend a call.

forsythia said...

I can't imagine living in the South without air conditioning. When we moved to Maryland 40 years ago, we could not believe the heat and humidity. Now we're used to it. My relatives still live in northwestern PA. They say the summers there are now nearly as hot and humid as Maryland's.

mosiacmind said...

Happy Tuesday Andrew...I have 3 fans but no a.c. this year. Today is the first day that it has bothered me a helps sitting here by the window and the fan. Hope that you have a great day. Take really great care of yourself.

Portia said...

I'm glad you met someone that makes you smile!

I've been wondering about the AC too. I guess it's what you're used to, cause everyone at my house is miserable when I turn it down (up) just a few degrees.

CJM-R said...

You are so refreshing, Andrew. A new friendship helps keep life interesting!

I agree about the air conditioning and all the folks who say once we get used to something, it is hard to give it up.