Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Undaunted, I Pray for Rain...

I am lucky my father shares my zeal for the weather.  It gives us something to talk about and a common bond.  Imagine me today as numerous times at work I would check the TV in the back room for the weather channel's "Local on the Eights."

"You can't will it to rain," Dad said smiling as he saw what I was doing. 

"Look!" I said pointing at the TV. "It is raining all around us!"


jrlmx2 said...

Andrew, you would have enjoyed being in Bombay with me last week. Tuesday it rained 24 hrs straight - long, hard, steady monsoon rain. And flooding! ......it was yuk!

Annabel said...

Did you get your new computer yet?

Ellie said...

Do you like the rain? I would like it right now, though, because I just got back from tennis and I am exhausted(and sweaty....ew!)

The Little Woman and Hubby said...

I'm with you Andrew, we want it to rain, lots of rain, we need the rain. When is your computer scheduled to arrive?

C.A. said...

We had a HUGE thunderstorm last night, and I thought of you, my friend!

Is the new computer coming soon? I can't wait to hear about it!

Wishing you and Maggie a happy day...


Portia said...

Looks like you might get some rain today. It's going to be stormy here, off and on. Either way, I hope it's a good day:)

mosiacmind said...

I have thought of you and my brother in law both of you love to watch weather and storms and such. my sister was talking about that in her recent email about johnnny now that have moved to the condo that is on the second floor he likes going out to the balcony and watching them. i am glad that you and your father have the same interest.

M said...

I saw the national weather map this morning and was quite amazed. I had never seen anything like it before. rain bands in the midwest and on the east coast and an empty space in between.

I think the weather lately has been fascinating.

Prophet Kangnamgu said...

This post read like a very short short story. You are a good writer Andrew.