Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

It has been a quiet and uneventful 4th.  Maggie has been my constant companion today and follows me through every room.  Dad brought by my medications on the way to a big cookout some family friends were having.  Yes, I got two of Charlie's famous hamburgers hot off the grill.  I am saving them for a much later supper.  I made a special trip to Krogers to buy some spicy brown mustard I just love with his hamburgers.

Not much is planned for tonight.  I am sure my neighbors will revel me in shows of fireworks.  This week marks a year I have lived in this house.  My, does time fly.   


Cheryl said...

Has it really been a year! Time does fly by!

I'm having a quiet night in. I hear neighbors setting off fireworks. Maybe I'll step outside after dark to look around. That's all the excitement I need!

Ellie said...

Hi! I hope you has an awesome fourth of July! I sure did! Mmmm... burgers. I am wide awake at basically 11:00. I think I'll go have ice cream!! Have a great Independance Day!

justLacey said...

Wow, time really does fly. I started reading just before you were moving.

mosiacmind said...

That is great to think about you living in your home for a year now. It sounded like you had a good fourth of july! my third and fourth were pretty good. i hope that you have a great weekend.

M said...

hey, june was my one year anniversary in my house. happy anniversary. hope you enjoy your home as much as i enjoy mine!

Lights Out London said...

Hope you had a good 4th!

Mo said...

Congratulations on the year!

Happy belated 4th.

My kitties were my constant companions yesterday like Maggie was for you.

I was still feeling like crap and boycotted all celebrations. I didn't even watch fireworks on tv.

Today is shaping up to be a much better one. Hope you are having a good day too.