Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Midday Report…

We arrived at the Vet’s at 10am.

“Dr. Thomas is running late,” the receptionist said. “Do y’all mind just leaving Maggie till this afternoon?”

I looked at Maggie longingly three or four times as they led her to the back before we left.  It will be the longest Maggie has been away from home in years.  She whined the whole drive knowing where we were heading.  I felt so terrible and am so worried about my dog.  She is the closest thing I will ever get to having children and it was like I had dropped her off at kindergarten for the first time.

Mom and I then drove up and down the Valley three times which took about an hour and a half.  Mom says she does this everyday just to get out and let her car run.  We raided the drugstore at one point for sacks of drinks.

“Shit!” dad said as he followed us out to the car. “I swear y’all are like the Mongol horde descending.”

We then went to Krystal's for lunch.  We got six cheese Krystal's and split them between the two of us.

“Oh, this is so good!” mom said as she ate and drove. “These buns are so steamy and fresh.”

I remarked to mom that that moment would have made a good commercial for Krystal. 

Mom was obsessing the whole drive about taking her cat, Muffin, to the vet as well.  She must have asked me twenty times if we needed to just get it done while she had my help. 

“The cat is fifteen years old,” I told my mother. “I wouldn’t put her through all that this late in the game.”

I had a real good time with mom.  We talked a lot about our lives and our mental illnesses during the long drive.  Mom says she is feeling inadequate these days.   I told her I feel the same way some days myself.  It is strange how close mom and I have grown over these past few years.  We never got along when I was a child and a young man.  Dad says it’s because we are medicated these days.  LOL


kristi said...

You are so lucky to have your mom close by. Mine lives 5 hours away.

Joy Heather said...

I second what Kristi said, it must be lovely having your mom so close by. I do hope Maggie is better now and that you are feeling good too..its lovley to hear about you & your mom going off out together, and enjoying all that lovely food..MMMMmmm