Sunday, May 02, 2010

My Thoughts for the Blogging Day…

Don’t Drop the Soap…

That distinctive ring of my phone happened last night.  It was Mrs. Florene calling.  I didn’t have time to talk for an hour so I let my answering machine pick up.  Mrs. Florene left a long rambling message about George.  It seems George is very unhappy with prison food.  Mrs. Florene said they didn’t even salt the vegetable soup for lunch and the loaf bread served was stale and old.  I was thinking that was the least of George’s worries.  George is not a fighting type of man and prison is a rough place.  I worry about my friend getting shanked or beat up.  “Don’t drop the soap,” was all I could think of when I thought of prison rape.  The whole situation is sad and can depress me when I dwell upon it.  It is sad for George, I, and Mrs. Florene.  A year and six months seems like an eternity and I already deeply miss my best friend.  I miss his daily visits more than anything and his razor sharp sense of humor.

All Riled Up…

Maggie awoke me at four.  I sleepily walked into the kitchen and poured me a glass of 7-UP.  Maggie sure was barking something fierce.  I lured her in with some peanut butter crackers and locked the dog door.  She wasn’t too pleased and did her muted cough bark routine for an hour as she sat out on the screened in porch.  This routine has gotten more and more regular.  I am going to have to start getting on to her for barking so early in the morning.  I worry about the neighbors.  It also keeps me up.

The Great Vanishing Act…

My former drug dealing neighbor has just disappeared.  Dad remarked on the state of his yard last night and I told dad I haven’t seen him nor cars for over two weeks.  I fear he is in jail.  I hope he found someone to take care of his dogs.  Dad swears he was just getting lots of pussy when traffic was so busy to his house.  I still hold on to my theory that he was dealing drugs.  He disappeared and the police stopped riding by every day.  I know it sounds like I live in a terrible neighborhood. 


Jules said...

Good Morning. Why are you up so early? I'll bet Maggie is still asleep.

George will be fine. Mrs. Florene is just feeling the despair of having a child in prison. It's a hard thing to swallow, for sure.

mago said...

Georg is in the can now? Missed it. Surely for DUI?

This IS The Fun Part! said...

With his personality and 'gift of gab' I keep trying to tell myself that he can probably BS his way through most anything. He's gonna be okay!

Maggie honestly thinks she is protecting you! She just knows that there's a gang of possums out there comin' to kill y'all!

And your neighborhood? No, it's not that bad! The guy renting across the street from us drives a truck from NY to Miami for a living. Every time he gets home from a run, the same 'visitors' stop in for a few minutes. Never even get out of their cars! Just pull in - he comes out to the drivers window - they chat a minute - he reaches in the car - they wave to each other - and the car leaves. This goes on for a couple of days and then he's off for another run to NY! Sound like something is going on? Duh!! Cops drive through all the time. So - we're in the same boat. It's everwhere, Andrew! Especially in rental houses!

Hope your Monday is good - I've gotta have blood tests (routine) and my annual mammogram! That's about as much fun as you guys getting your prostrate checked! I don't wanna go! :-( Poor me!

Love ya,