Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Thoughts for the Blogging Day…

Big Changes Medicinally

My doctor made some major changes to the medications I am taking during our visit Monday.  I am now on Depakote instead of lithium.  He also put me on EffexorXR for the depressed moods that sometimes plague me.  I was very alarmed when he prescribed me Haldol – an ancient and seldom now used anti-psychotic.   I have heard horror stories about it, but my only side effect so far is extreme drowsiness and a little bit of restlessness.  My mind is very quiet and clear for the first time in weeks and for that I am thankful. 

Grocery Day…

“Surprise me,”  I told my mother when she asked what groceries I would like yesterday.  “Shop as if you were shopping for yourself.”

Well, I didn’t think out this course of action clearly enough.   Mom likes to snack all through out the day instead of eating three regular meals.  She decided to do my grocery shopping last night and got me all kinds of snack and junk foods.   It was kind of like giving a kid a hundred dollar bill and telling him or her to go shopping.   I got stuff like hotdogs, Chex mix, ice cream, and all kinds of snack crackers.  Mom also got me a big assortment of candy to eat.  I am sure I will weigh ten more pounds come my next P-Doc appointment. 


This IS The Fun Part! said...

Hi Andrew!

Maybe this new cocktail will do you some good! Sometimes changing things around can help a lot. My husband has cronic pain issues and has a cocktail of drugs to deal with, too. EffexorXR is one that we like for him. Really seems to help.

Sounds like your groceries will make for some creative cooking this week! Either that, or go check mom's pantry and see what's available there!!

Hope your Wednesday was a good one!

justLacey said...

Glad to hear you are feeling well. Busy here at the Census. Yuck!

mago said...

Haldol!? Thought that shit is forbidden now. Maybe today they can measurize it better than 25 years ago.

Anonymous said...

I noticed on your recent videos how you were always twitching and jerking wildly. At times you actually had to grab at your torso to literally get a hold on yourself. Do you have tardive dyskenesia already ?

sal said...

Hi Jon. Good luck with your med change...I'm still doing ok right now on my combo, but realize that can change at the drop of a hat! I took Depakote at one time..helped me..but the weight gain issue was too much for me to deal with. Sometimes I know it does not cause the gain, but with me..I can lookat it and put on 10lbs.! LOL! As always, love your blog. Take care. :)