Sunday, May 16, 2010

This and That…

  • Mrs. Florene giving me a big Tupperware container of cheese straws was a bad idea.   I can’t quit eating them.  They are so delicious and delightfully spicy.  She is such a wonderful cook.
  • We have an eighty percent chance of storms today.   I am so excited.  Can’t wait for some thunder and torrential rain.
  • Mom called me three times yesterday worried about my father.  He never showed up after work.  It was almost eleven when he arrived at my house for our medication ritual.  He said he had a wedding to go to and then a good customer called and needed his help.   I noticed dad was driving his truck yesterday.  His Honda must have been getting serviced.  The BMW X5 is only driven on special occasions. 
  • As I had feared, dad had forgotten to order the SD card reader for my camera and computer.  “I’ve just been so busy with the first of the month,” he told me.   I was sorely disappointed.   He assured me he would order it Monday.
  • “The Homeless Guy” is back to writing his blog.  I am overjoyed at having interesting new posts to read.  I often disagree with him, but find him a fascinating creature.   I worry he is going to be homeless again most likely.  In the past two years of having an apartment, he has done nothing to assure he will have a place to stay once his current charity runs out. 
  • I hope it starts storming soon so I can procrastinate further about mowing my lawn.  It is my least favorite task of home ownership. 
  • I am still having the most vibrant and vivid dreams – dreams where I wake up almost out of breath they are so realistic.   

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