Monday, October 24, 2005

A Cold Wind Blows

Fall finally arrived in the south. It has been a briskly windy and cool day; the kind of weather that makes you turn up your coat collar to shield against the cold and the wind. Winter is soon to follow.

The dogwood trees, as always, show the first glimpses of fall. The bright hues of their leaves are just starting to show. Also, the muscadine vines (wild Indian grapes) in my backyard are starting to reveal their fall colors as well. Soon, we will be awash in colors of red, orange, and yellow.

I look forward to winter with a solemn heart. The green grass will turn brown. The leaves will fall from the trees. The northern hemisphere will once again grow dormant for another year. As usual, those of us in the south will be spared the beauty and excitement of snow. Winter is so boring here.

Bucker up my good lad for excitement is within the heart. This winter shall be warm and with plenty of admiral pursuits; lots of good reading, coffee, and tobacco. Those are the things that cast aside the doldrums of winter.

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