Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Trek Passed By

My parents went to Birmingham to stay the night with my sister this weekend. I was invited, but declined and decided to stay home. I am just not that close to my sister and would have felt uncomfortable sleeping in her spare bedroom. This will probably cause some contention with my father, but I do not care. I just didn’t feel like driving two and a half hours up there and sleeping in a strange bed and most likely not getting very much sleep. It is not as if she ever calls me or comes over when she is in town anyway. I guess I am acting like an insolent child.

Not much to report today. To pass the time, I have been drinking beer and playing a game called Morrowind and leveling up my imperial warrior by doing various quests. I rarely play computer games anymore as they all seem like work, but this game has caught my attention and is eating up my time. I have had it for years and have never even installed it to try it.)

Earlier, an animal control officer stopped by the house to ask whom the dog in my yard belonged to. I explained it was Rosie, our neighbor’s dog. (Rosie stops by everyday for a treat from me.) The officer gave Rosie a dog biscuit and petted her to the point she became ecstatic. She warned me that the other animal control officer would have written a ticket and told me to warn my neighbors. What a nice and pleasant lady. It was my pleasure getting to talk to her and watch her interact with Rosie.

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