Sunday, October 09, 2005

Crime Wave at the Shopping Center

At one point yesterday, I scrounged up some pocket change and walked down to the Piggly Wiggly to buy chocolate milk and some crackers. I didn’t see George or any of the gang except Cap w/Tag Guy. Cap w/Tag was, as usual, standing between the Pig and the dollar store selling his usual wares. He held out his hand for me to shake it as I walked by. He never says a word and communicates via body language. Usually a head nod means hello. At first, I thought he was mute, but have since heard him talk over the years. He never gets involved in the politics or gossiping that goes on down at the Pig. That must be why he is such a successful crack dealer. Stay low. Stay quiet. Don’t draw attention.

As I was standing in line to purchase my chocolate milk and crackers, this huge commotion erupted in the line next to me. A black lady started screaming and hollering and the manager came rushing out from office. Apparently, one black lady tried to swipe another black lady’s purse. The manager grabbed her shirt and accidentally ripped it off to keep her from running away with the purse. She wasn’t wearing a bra so she was naked from the waist up. It was not a pretty sight let me tell you. She had some of the saggiest and droopiest breasts I have ever seen. During the commotion, they were flying around wildly like dangerous clubs. The manager finally grabbed hold of the purse and ripped it away tearing off the handle. The assailant went running out the door and down the sidewalk shirtless and naked to the world.

By this time, a large group of black women had gathered around to gawk. Several older black women were berating the manager for tearing off the girl’s shirt. The manager was white and many comments were being made about how a white man shouldn’t treat a black woman that way. The manager was just trying to get the lady’s purse back. Human stupidity never ceases to amaze me as the group was trying to turn this into a heated racial matter and not the simple matter of a stolen purse. I thought the manager had acted gallantly. He could have just taken the easy way out, called the police, and let the young lady take the purse.

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