Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Weekend at Last

What a busy week I have had! I had almost forgotten what a welcome reprieve Saturday and Sunday can be. For years they were just another day and usually boring days as well as my normal routines would be disrupted.

I have found that weekends are definitely not prime time for blogging. Most of the blogs I really enjoy seem to fall dormant for two days every weekend. The counts on my hit counter also precipitously drop every weekend. I have a sneaking suspicion that there is a lot of blog reading and writing going on during work time.

I was occasionally guilty of this when I was a research technician at a major University. I had my own office complete with a nice computer and a really fast internet connection. It was a daily struggle to not be tempted by the internet. I would feel so guilty when I would use University time to catch up on my daily reads and would try to limit it to only my lunch hour. Many evenings, I would stay late after work so I could browse the internet as I didn’t have a computer or internet connection at home at the time. That was such a good job, but stupid me wanted to be a long haul truck driver. What a monumental mistake!

I decided to publish a post I wrote last night after I got off of work. I am breaking one of my three cardinal sins about blogging for me. One is not to write about work. Two is not to write about my mental illness too often because who wants to read about that depressing shit everyday? I certainly do not want to write about it. Three is to try my best to not use real names on this blog. (I named the offending cat in the following blog post. lol) I have been known to lapse on these rules and did so again. Sometimes, you just don’t have anything else to write about.

One of the main reasons I dislike writing about work is that it is a very dangerous thing to do. A blog author whom I really admire and very much enjoy his writings got fired last week because of his blogs. If you are going to blog about work, make damn sure you are completely anonymous and these days I am not sure that is even feasible with IP addresses and such. It was a good thing that the blog author spoken about above didn’t have kids, mortgage, or many of the things that keep us so enslaved to our jobs. He is in a much better position to bounce back so to speak.

Well, I am off to enjoy a Saturday afternoon of epic southeastern conference football games. I may even have a few beers and fry a pan of that delicious sausage I procured earlier in the week. It is time to lay back, kick up my feet, and revel in the fact that I successfully made it through a taxing week despite my limitations. Good day and may your team win!

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