Monday, October 31, 2005

A Kindred Spirit

I think Pipe Tobacco is my kindred spirit politically. He wrote a post today that echoes my thoughts on things political and also wrote some of the changes and things that need to be implemented by our government. I agreed with what he wrote wholeheartedly and it was as if I was reading my own thoughts. Check out The Frumpy Professor to read his thoughts for today. (Pops in a new window.)

I think one of the more important issues he brought up is universal healthcare for all. My father’s business subsidizes my medications and they are over $600 dollars a month. If my father was not a pharmacist who owned his own pharmacy then I wouldn’t be able to get my injections for my mental illness. I just couldn’t afford it. This medication is vital to my health and well being and how do you place a value on such a thing? When did the health and well being of our nation fall dependent upon the rampant profiteering I see so often within the medical industry in the United States? How do you put a dollar value on someone’s health?

The sad thing is that government in my lifetime is more interested in promoting the health and bottom lines of big businesses rather than the common man. Our government is rife with corporatism. Our leaders are bought and sold like commodities on a market. It seems my mental health is also just another commodity to be traded within the market of our healthcare industry. I don’t want to be a commodity anymore! I hope to live to a see a day where someone's health is more important the accumulation of little green pieces of paper that have a perceived economic value.

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