Thursday, November 26, 2009


Yesterday, I was desperate for a cigarette. I was having a hard day with my mental illness and knew the smoking would calm it. In a moment of rashness, I started back smoking.  I haven't felt so embarrassed in years. I had been doing so well.

Also, the post about mom messing in her pants deeply and profoundly embarrassed me as well.  I was completely taken by surprise about how that was taken.  Even mom was laughing about it yesterday.  If there was anyway possible to take that post back then I would.  I apologize.   


Jamie said...

Oh honey, it was a learning experience, the quitting smoking, i mean. You will conquer it. Whether now, or later, you will. YOu have the strongest will I have ever seen. LOOK at all you have accomplished in your life. Good heavens, this is just a blip on the screen of life. I'm happy to know that you are back.

Have an honestly blessed holiday. Hugs, andrew.

Joy Heather said...

I am so glad you are back you had a cigarette..ok its not the end of the World..and you can start have proved how strong you can be..If your Mom laughed about 'that' post..thats all that matters..thats not the end of the World either..its what makes you so readable are very human and you share your emotions, your good things & your regrets ..I would hate for you to give up writing because of these things, they are what make you special.

Joy Heather said...

By The Way..Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family & dear Maggie..we do not celebrate it over here in the U.K. ..i wish we did.

Dee said...

Andrew, we all slip once in a while, I understand about smoking, sometimes it takes a few tries be able to quit sucessfully, please dont kick yourself,just get back on the horse. :)

And the post about your Mom... I don't think you should appologize for writing it. I think you would be amazed at how many women that happens to, its refreshing to see that you wrote about that and that you and your Dad had a laugh over it. Its ok, really. And if some people find that offensive then they truly don't understand the humor in it, or the situation. :)

impromptublogger said...

You know what they say about at first you don't succeed....

Holidays are very stressful times and many a person who had quit starts back up smoking again.

I am so proud of you my dear Andrew and I hope you have the best Thanksgiving ever!

Berryvox said...

Oh, nothing to be embarrassed about. It's one of the most difficult addictions to break and I'm always amazed at people who can do it.

Karen :-) said...

Don't worry about it. Maybe next time you will make it. My son tried so many times to quit smoking until he finally did.

PipeTobacco said...


I think neither situation is one that warrents you being embarassed about. If you smoke, so be it. If you refrain, so be it. You are not defined by smoking or not smoking. The same is true about the story you posted about your mother. I do not think it was wrong for you to post it... you did it in a way that was designed to show the humor of the situation... there was no malace. So, please give yourself a break. Do not be so hard on yourself. Worry and fear are the enemy.


Irishcoda said...

Quitting smoking is about the hardest thing you'll ever do. Listen, I quit and picked it up more times than I can count. You'll kick it as soon as the time is right and if you pick it up...just keep trying again. :)

justLacey said...

Just because you had a cigarette doesn't mean you are back to smoking. Like they said above, just get back on the horse. No harm done.

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

pipetobacco knows what he's talking about, so relax already! after all it's just tobacco... not crack cocaine or heroin or even whiskey.

i am a miserable ex-smoker. in my dreams, i still light up....