Monday, November 02, 2009

The Grand Day...

I'm still having some serious side effects from my medications.  But I didn't let that stop a good time today.

This afternoon I was craving Taco Hell so I got mom to go with me to get 4 burrito supreme's!  I ate them all.  Mom was like, "You're gonna be sick!"  Ha ha.  She doesn't know the power of my iron lined gullet!  And I was just ravenous today.

Tonight, I went shopping for a good pair of headphones for my minidisc player.  I found a thirty dollar pair at Wally World.  I was so excited to get them home, try them out, and what a fantastic dynamic range they have!

I've gained 5 pounds so dad will be happy when he weighs me tonight.  Last night, dad and I went out to eat at Sonic.  I ate two super sonic burgers and a large order of tater tots.  I washed it all down with a jumbo cola.   Dad also got mom to buy me regular cokes and she gave me six today.  I like diet Coke better, but really do need to gain the weight.  I was looking gaunt for awhile there. 


Moohaa said...

I think most people dream of a day where they "get" to gain weight. For you though, do it! You need to be healthy, my friend. It sounds like your appetite is healthy, so that is good.

Take care!

Cheryl said...

I remember when you had to lose some weight. I'd love to eat junk food for a while with no guilt. Enjoy!

Leann said...

You can have some of mine Andrew...there's plenty to go around :-)

kristi said...

Wish I could say the same. I cannot eat Taco Hell, it makes me sick. Glad you enjoyed it though!

Joy Heather said...

I so WISH i could eat like that and not gain weight...i only have to look at food like that and i put on the pounds. It all sounds so careful though or you will be back on a diet again in a few weeks..LOL...
I know what you mean about diet Coke tasting better than normal Coke....ask your mom to make an exception in the case of coke..because the normal is SO bad for your teeth, and you have to think about that..tell her you'll have an extra snack to make up !!!