Sunday, November 22, 2009

Four Miles is Two Miles too Many...

Maggie handled our four mile jaunt today with aplomb. I pushed it and tried to walk double our usual walk.  Well, it is I who is not faring so well this afternoon.  I am so sore I can barely walk.  I guess I am just getting old. :-)


Joy Heather said...

No not old Andrew..but now you are not smoking you will get fitter & fitter as time goes on,if you keep it up...I think 4 miles is pretty good for a guy who was smoking heavy 11 days ago !!..I wish i could do that and i dont smoke anymore..haven't done for 20 years (but i am a lot older than you)..Well Done Andrew.

Berryvox said...

Heh, I know that feeling well. With bicycling, I know it's recommended to only add 10% to your miles each week. I never listen to that advice and just walk around sore for the first few weeks of spring.

Gaviota_mx said...

I quit smoking a year ago in september 26 2008. I was living in Mexico and the pack of cigarettes was 22 pesos there(yes, much cheaper than here) I used to buy one pack everyday. 22*365=8030 pesos, around 615 dollars. Not bad huh?

How much have you saved so far? How about putting that money aside and treat yourself every milestone you set?

Congratulations, your actions are comendable.

Leann said...

I've done the same thing and understand just how sore you are!

Moohaa said...

11 days and going strong! Your body is loving you right now.. keep it up!

Sharon said...

Then again, Maggie has 4 legs to support her and you only have two!

Cheryl said...

I once walked so far in one direction, that I thought of hitchhiking back. This was when I was visiting my sister in GA a few years ago. I was miserable...I'd have to be to think of putting out my thumb. Can you even picture ME doing that?

Happy day my smoke-free friend.