Sunday, November 27, 2005

Dreary Weather and Hearts as Well

It is rainy, cold, and overcast here. A dreary day and the sun is setting. No stars to see out my window tonight. I am sitting here quietly typing as the hissing of my gas heater plays in the background.

I got another letter from the diocese in Birmingham about my and my ex-wife’s annulment. This process seems to be never ending. I wish they would just give it to my ex-wife and get it over. I know this is terrible, but I no longer open the letters. They go straight into the trash after my walk from the mailbox. It did bring an emotional response from me today. After I came inside, I quietly sat looking at the only picture of my ex-wife that I have. The same picture she used in our wedding announcement in the local paper. I cried softly while looking at it. I know it would have never worked, but it is still hard to know that my only marriage ended in failure and disaster.

I did get down to the Piggly Wiggly today and saw George. He was in high spirits. I inquired about his Thanksgiving. He said he had bought one of those rotisserie chickens down at the local Wal-Mart deli and made some stove-top stuffing. He had just driven all the way down to Auburn to buy beer as they don’t sell it here on Sunday. He offered me several, but I declined. I am on a fast from anything alcohol related.

George also told me that HIV/AIDS Guy got arrested again. This time he was shoplifting at the Piggly Wiggly and got caught. I don’t understand why this idiot shoplifts food when he has perfectly good food stamps. I guess it must be the thrill of getting away with it. I told George that it served him right. It will make for a much more pleasant experience visiting the Pig without him begging me for cigarettes and money.

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