Sunday, November 27, 2005

Weird Habits

I am developing weird habits lately. I sleep in spurts. I will stay awake for about four hours and sleep four hours; highly uncharacteristic of me. So it is now 2:14 a.m. and I am up while the rest of the country sleeps. I can see stars twinkling outside my window as I write this.

My most enjoyed aspect of the holidays is the left over turkey sandwiches. My father brought me a zip-lock bag of left over turkey. I heat up a few slices in the microwave and enjoy them with ample amounts of mayonnaise on slices of Roman Meal bread. Um, um, delicious. I have eaten four sandwiches today. I am such a glutton.

I did see George earlier today. I inquired about his holiday. He said he purchased one of those rotisserie chickens down at the deli in the local Wal-Mart. He also made some stove-top stuffing. It was just him, his mother, and a cousin for thanksgiving. He also said he got plastered and was hung over for two days. I don’t see how he does it. I hate hangovers.

I also learned from George that HIV/AIDS Guy got arrested again. He is on a crime wave. George said he was shoplifting petty items at the Piggly Wiggly and got caught. This now makes two times in one month that he got arrested. HIV/AIDS Guy is a class A idiot. He has food stamps and still shoplifts. It must be the thrill. It will certainly make for a more enjoyable experience of visiting the Pig not having him beg me for money or cigarettes. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

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