Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Breakfast at Sarah Jay’s…

I am almost finished with this morning’s six mile jaunt. I am walking back into town to a crisp, cool winter’s day. It is almost too cold to be out so early. I turn my collar up to shield my neck from a cold wind. Sarah Jay’s eatery beckons to me from the side of the road. Thoughts of steaming coffee and hot creamy buttered grits come to mind. I buy this morning’s Atlanta newspaper and go inside and take a seat.

“Good morning hon.” The perky waitress says to me as she brings a napkin, knife, and fork.

I look up as I smile and return the niceties.

“What can I get ya?” She says holding a little pen and pad.

“I will have the breakfast platter, hard scrambled,” I say.

“What can I get you to drink?” She then asks.

“I am feeling adventurous this morning,” I say as I smile once more. “Get me a milk, coffee, and an orange juice.”

“I’ll be right back out with it,” She says as she turns to disappear into the kitchen.

One other family sits across from me quietly eating. They are a solemn bunch and look as if someone close to them has just died. I imagine the husband and wife had quite an argument on the way over here. I thank the stars that I am not embroiled in some marriage at the moment. I have a hard enough time handling my own emotional issues and that of my sometime girlfriend without adding all the baggage and stress a marriage can bring.

“Here ya go, hon,” The waitress says as she sits down a plate piled high with grits, scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast. It looks delicious and I dig in.

The waitress is very attentive and is good company. She sits down for a moment to talk to me.

“I see you walk by here almost everyday,” She says. “Do you not have a car?”

“Oh, I have a car,” I replied in between mouthfuls of breakfast. “I just don’t drive a lot. I find walking much more pleasurable.”

“What you are doing is good for the environment,” She says.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I reply. “But that’s not why I do it. I guess it is a good side benefit though although I am probably not making much of a difference.”

“Do you live in the Valley?” She then asks.

I nod yes as I spread strawberry preserves upon my buttered toast.

“Where do you live?” I ask curiously.

“Not in the Valley!” She exclaims as she laughs. “I can’t afford their utility costs. Natural gas is sky high in the Valley.”

Another group of patrons walks in causing my waitress to scurry with activity. She glides across the floor with her pen and pad at the ready. I listen to hear what these people order. She writes it all down in a flurry and disappears once again into the kitchen hollering out the order to the cook. I finish my meal and leave a hefty five dollar tip on the table and start to walk across the parking lot headed for home.

“Hey,” The waitress hollers out to me sticking her head out the door into the cold wind waving the five dollars I had left her. “Thank you hon. You made my day. I will take care of you the next time you are in.”

I give her a big grin and wave goodbye. It feels good to know I made a difference in someone’s life today even if was just five dollars. Those five bucks were well worth the company she gave me and the thoughtful gesture of sitting down to talk to me for just a moment. I walked on home and recorded this video and uploaded it.


SKQBDOO said...

Happy New Year!! I love all the pictures and the video blogs. I have been gone a few days and am just now catching up.

greglo said...

Hi Andrew,

great post about Sarah Jay's!!!! I enjoyed it very much, will read it again several times no doubt!!!

I'm glad to see you're feeling better. your voice on the video sounds clear, relaxed and well. the pleasure you found in the hike, breakfast and video can be heard... wonderful!

Can't wait to read more from you!

Best thoughts!


Annabel said...

I am enjoying the video blogs very much. You are truly an inspiration. I understand what you mean about not wanting to film inside your house... I finally got mine somewhat tidy and then the dogs drag out all their toys and such.
Maybe I'll do a video blog of my room at school.

eSadElBlOg said...

Oh God if somebody filmed my house right now...

A lot of us seem to just "suffer" this X-mas holidays but still is hard to get back to the work timetable! You also seem to be in a better mood. Good!

Thanks for sharing so much with us.
And Happy New Year.

Claudia said...

HI Andrew. I really enjoyed your blog about your interaction with the waitress at Sarah Jays. Your writing is really great. The video blogs are also wonderful. Glad you can share your insights with us. Oh, and by the way, being back at work IS a drag after so many days off!! =(

Cheryl said...

What a treat to come home from work and find so much to catch up on. You did a lot of writing today. When I read what you wrote about needing to be with people, I thought, of course! You have been very alone. You haven't been around the gang, haven't mentioned Carolyn much, and your folks have been gone. Volunteering or working would be good for you. Hope you have a good night.

2 The World U R 1 Person, 2 1 Person U R The World said...

You're always so cordial, which is refreshing these days. You're cordial in your replies to comments here, in emails, and even in video blogs.
And the awesome southern accent on your nice voice just makes it all the more wonderful! (your voice and accent are my favorite parts of your video blogs)

I wish all men were as cordial as you. I bet you open doors for ladies among other gestures.

Take Care

austere said...

Again, will go home and see the video.

Melanie said...

oh, what a lovely Southern lilt to such a well-spoken voice. i enjoyed the video and your narration. :)

~melanie, still getting all caught up.