Saturday, January 27, 2007

Pitter Patter of Raindrops and Possible Little Feet…

It is raining softly outside my windows tonight. The only sound is that of the pitter patter of great drops of water off the eaves of my house. This house does not have any gutters and furrows have been carved out around the house in the lawn below from the relentless onslaught of water.

Maggie just sighed softly and is lying at my feet. She normally goes to bed around nine and will no doubt make her way to the bedroom soon to wait upon me.

George came by this afternoon and it was a most interesting encounter. He was quite animated during our discussion.

“Pookie told me she was pregnant and wanted me to start paying child support,” George said exasperated reeking of alcohol.

“I doubt a woman in her late forties is pregnant,” I replied. “That would be highly unusual.”

Still, it had George worried. Pookie just wants more money out of George. She is an irascible character and will say anything in the heat of the moment of one of their many arguments.

After George had left, I walked back down to the shopping center. The winter sun was hanging low on the horizon and dark clouds were rolling in from the Gulf of Mexico. You could smell the forthcoming rain upon the breeze. Rosa was nowhere to be seen, but Big S was perched upon his usual bench looking for the handouts of the more monetarily endowed shoppers than he. I avoided an encounter with him though. I didn’t want to get caught in another discussion about football and that is all Big S and the gang seem to be talking about these days with the impending Super Bowl on the way.

I decided upon the chicken wings restaurant on the corner of the shopping center. I walked in, placed my order, and sat down. Soon they called my number and my meal was ready. I quietly sat eating as I dipped each spicy hot chicken wing into cooling blue cheese dressing and carefully nibbled all the little bones free from their meat. The crunch of ice cold celery would resound after every bite followed by a drink of coca-cola. It was a messy affair and soon my fingers were covered in greasy buffalo wing sauce. I had ordered two dozen wings and could only eat a dozen and a half. Six remained and I closed the lid to my to-go box and carried them to Big S. I handed out the box as I walked by.

“Buffalo chicken wings,” I replied as I kept walking.

I could hear the box open and Big S begin to eat as I disappeared down the bend in the sidewalk to walk on home. It has been an uneventful day.


Kristen said...

Uneventful here, also, though yours always sounds more interesting than mine!

My two big projects were to add the place of origin to links I have collected on my blogs, and to update a flyer for my business. Then I took myself off for another birthday dinner, as I had an 'entertainment book' of coupons, and some are good only at birthday time. I discovered another good restaurant!

Have a great evening. Hugs to Maggie. I love the photos in the sun!

Andrew said...

Thank you Kristen,

I was reading your blog today and love the many photos on it. I promise I am going to start commenting more. I can by so lazy about commenting sometimes as I get caught up in my own stuff. So many wonderful people have shared their lives with me and I need to take some time everyday to "share the love and friendship" so to speak. I am going to add your blog to my favorite blogs section in the next day or so with a write up.

Take care and enjoy your weekend!


Dave said...

Uneventful to you maybe but not to Big S ... Your kindness and generosity might have made his day. :-)

Not-faint-hearted said...

Andrew, I like you're new header picture. Enjoy your "uneventful" days.

austere said...

heh. I can never eat a veg burger without the stuff inside falling off,and then I eat it piecemeal.Smart, no?

alphabet soup said...

That Pookey's a sharp one (and a bit of an optimist I think)isnt she?
Buffalo wings Andrew - could you explain that, maybe on one of your posts. I come from another country but when it comes to buffalo wings I seem to be on another planet.

Amanda said...

Hmmmm, blue cheese sauce. Now I'm hungry.