Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Videos of St. Petersburg Authories Destroying Homeless Tents

These homeless people apparently had an agreement with the city to camp there. Fortunately, the good citizens of St. Petersburg donated new tents. The mayor ordered the tents torn down. He is still silent about the whole affair.

Videos and information thanks to Micheal Hussey of Tampa who writes the political blog Pushing Rope. Micheal is currently homeless in his city of residence.


Cheryl said...

This was really heartbreaking to watch. I don't know what the answer is, but destroying these homes was just cruel and does not take away the homeless problem. It just leaves them without shelter. Will you keep us up to date on this?

Claudia said...

Seriously! So sad. Where is the empathy?

abbagirl74 said...

Ugh, I so dislike heartless people.

Dorid said...

This is awful. I lived in St Petersburg a while. My son is a schizophrenic. The amount of help available there for the mentally ill is about zero unless you have excellent insurance. Sadly, there were also two incidents of local police shooting mentally ill homeless men. I was almost afraid for my son to leave the house.