Thursday, June 11, 2009

Big Steps, Little Steps, and Baby Steps

My big step for the day was driving myself to get my injection this morning.  Dad usually sends an employee to take me to make sure I go.  And I didn't have one of those most feared anxiety attacks in heavy traffic. 

My little step today was using my daily 3 dollars to buy some dandruff shampoo.  The next step will be to get my hair cut.  If you've read my blog for years then you know how much anxiety getting my hair cut entails.

My baby step for today was making my bed when I awoke.  Dad was in the military and was so peculiar about always making his bed.  He has kind of instilled that little quirk in the rest of us meaning us siblings.  I can't wait to get in the cool, tidy, and crisp covers when I go to bed tonight.   


Kathy said...

Momentous day for you, Andrew -- Good for you!!!

Diana said...

It's the baby steps that get you where you are going. I'm happy for you J.

happyone said...

Glad to hear you are doing so well.
I love getting into a bed with nice clean crisp sheets too!! Especially when line dried. I can't even remember a day when I haven't made my bed!!

(M)ary said...

I am so glad to hear about this new medicine and its positive effect on your life!

To change the subject... making the bed: I would like to say that I don't get it. Why make it in the morning? If you want to get into a made bed what does it matter what time of day it is made? It is as made whether you do it 5 minutes before you get in or 8 hours before you get in....but then I have never been in the military!

Leann said...

Kudos to you Andrew.

Hope the day went well and you are enjoying your southern spring.

Seth Martin Ward said...

Keep on keepin on brother!

This IS The Fun Part! said...

I would venture to say that today gets marked on the calendar with a HUGE gold star of success!

Ya know what's the nicest part? You sound SO up-beat!

Thanks for my smile tonight!


justLacey said...

All big steps in my book. I am thrilled to hear you are feeling better and doing so well.

forsythia said...

Little things mean a lot.

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

grow it long....?

sorry, that wasn't supportive. this is better: good for you, taking that step!

but long hair is cool...

Jessica said...

Glad to hear it! :) Have an amazing weekend!

Cheryl said...

Good for you Andrew! In all the time I've known you you've never driven yourself to get an injection. That's big. So is the haircut. I'd love to see a new picture of you! And somehow I've gotten into the habit of making my bed everyday. It takes a few seconds as I don't move very much and only share my bed with books and magazines :) but it makes a big difference to walk into a tidy room.

Hope your Sunday was a good one!