Saturday, June 06, 2009

Breakfast with George...

George has a new job.  He is working 3rd shift at the local Wal-Mart distribution center.

"I liked to have never stayed awake all night last night," he told me this morning. 

This morning I was over at George's to put freon in the air conditioning system in his car.  He was afraid to do it without help.

"Where did you get the freon?" I asked George

You learn something new everyday.

"Got at Fred's dollar store for a dollar a can," George replied to my shock. 

George's mom cooked sausage, gravy, and biscuits.  It was a thoroughly decadent breakfast for this modest southern man.  George's mom even sent Maggie home leftovers from dinner the day before.  Cubed fried steak.  I was almost tempted to eat it myself, but my love for Maggie won out. 


Cin said...

That breakfast sounds wonderful!

Seth Martin Ward said...

man I could go for some good biscuits and gravy....and some cubed steak too.....I don't get much southern cooking up in these parts.....

(M)ary said...

freon...mmmm....sounds like an icky chemical, the dollar store sells EVERYTHING!!

Kathy said...

I bet the biscuits were heavenly!