Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Official. The S Word Beckons...

It's official.  I have surgery on my knee in a few weeks.  The neurosurgeon said there wasn't permanent damage to my nerves, but it could happen if I delay.  Dad asked me how I felt about it.  I'm not particularly worried or nervous.  Dad laughed when I told him I was looking forward to the pain pills they give you afterwards.  "Spoken like a true alcoholic," he said. 

My knee hasn't kept me from walking.  Everyday Maggie and I walk our two mile jaunt.  I just feel kind of clumsy and have fallen a few times.  Stairs are especially daunting.

I am elated today is grocery day.  I just called mom and told her I would go with her to help.  

"Don't worry, sweetheart," mom replied. "I will be fine."

"You sure?" I asked.

Mom assured me she would be okay.  It would have been a giant leap for me in my recovery to go.  There will be other days I am sure.


impromptublogger said...

I'm glad to hear that you'll be getting it over with soon. I assume that it's arthroscopic surgery so it won't be that bad as far as a scar goes.

Hoping there will be a quick recovery.

The Middle Aged Woman said...

Sorry to hear about the knee. I understand knee pain totally. Ugh.


Cheryl said...

I don't know what's wrong with your knee. You talked about the nerve tests. What's the diagnosis? Please tell.

(M)ary said...

Jane Fonda just had knee surgery and she wrote in her blog about it. She seems to be doing well in recovery so far. Chin up!

(M)ary said...

ps...Arnica cream is an awesome herbal anti-inflammatory rub you can try after surgery. Here in FW, arnica cream is even sold in regular pharmacies and stores not just health food stores.

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

beware of pain pills. been there, done that. mild ones are available OTC in canada...

Kathy said...

Had both knees repaired through arthroscopy. A cinch! Hope yours is as well.