Thursday, June 04, 2009


"Maggie's looking a bit portly," dad told me this afternoon. "She's gained some weight."

He had swung by with some of that new KFC grilled chicken for me to try.

"She's going to be diabetic with all the sweets you give her," he added.

"Ah," I replied. "Your mother would say she is just a healthy dog."

My attention turned to the drumstick of grilled chicken that lay before me on a plate.

"What do you think?" dad asked.

"The chicken or Maggie?"

"The chicken, stupid!"

"It would make some killer chicken salad," was my reply.


Kathy said...

So how was the grilled chicken?

becomingkate said...

I love KFC Poutine.

(M)ary said...

Well, all of my pets are overweight so I can't pass judgement.

Speaking of food, I am going to run out and get something to eat...maybe KFC now that you mention it.

Leann said...

I've not tried it yet, so thanks for reminding me :-)