Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Old Soul...

Don't ask me why I am up at five.  I've been up since four.  I went to bed at eight, though.

Last night, mom came over and helped me make a homemade chicken pot pie.  It was okay, but I wanted more dumplings in the pie.  I will have to work on perfecting mom's old recipe.  A tradition with pot pies growing up was that Rene, our cook and maid, would add whole hard boiled eggs to it.  I think this is so delicious and I did the same last night.

Well, my old soul, Maggie, is laying at my feet this morning.  I've been calling her "The Old Soul" for days now.  There seems to be so much wisdom and kindness in those brown eyes.  I sometimes think I have someone like Ben Franklin reincarnated in my dog.  And I take cues from Maggie about how to live life.  Naps.  Good food. Chasing Pussy. Maggie seems to have all the "food groups" covered.  

This morning is my injection for my mental illness.  It couldn't come sooner as I've been struggling these past two days.  I keep having this sensation that I can't walk - my legs feel wobbly and pulsating.  Dad is always kind on shot day and gives me two extra Klonopin to take.  I look forward to taking my medications and truly relaxing for a few hours.  It can be intoxicating. 

Well, let me get a good breakfast started, feed Maggie, and take a bath.  I've still got quite a few hours until time to head to the doctor's office. 


(M)ary said...

a whole hard boiled egg in a pot pie? yummy.

The Hyperlexian Aspie said...

i've never had chicken pot pie. but i love love love dumplings!

Leann said...

Isn't it amazing what wisdom a seemingly simple animal can give us?

Summer said...

My youngest son LOVES chicken pot pie and so do I. I wish I had a good recipe for it.