Friday, March 04, 2005

A day in the life of a busy man….

Well, I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee and it is still dark outside. I can’t remember the last time I was voluntarily up this early. I feel groggy and tired. It has been a busy week. I have to take my great uncle Bob to Douglasville, Georgia to check on some things. I do not look forward to this. I wanted a quiet weekend alone but got harangued into doing this. It will mean all day in the car as it is a two hour drive from here and a two hour drive back. You have to drive through Atlanta. Sigh.

My tests went okay. You never really know until you get them back. I studied all week and don’t want to see notes or a book for a few days yet until the cycle starts again. I don’t remember college being so much work. Maybe it is because I am at least trying this go around. I am putting in the effort. There are days where it seems overwhelming and I want to give up. I have to call my father for a pep talk when this happens. He did the same for my brother and sister to get them through medical school.

I stopped by “The Homeless Guy” this morning for the first time in quite awhile. I keep hoping that I will read that he has got a home. I see that his updates and entries have been very sporadic and erratic. This is very unlike him as his blog is usually paramount to everything. Maybe this is a good sign. This either means a) he is busy knitting and making money getting ready to find a home or b) he is having one of his “episodes” again. I hope for the latter. Only time will tell and you never know what he will do next. I just would like to see a good ending to a very long and convoluted story I have followed for a year.

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