Thursday, March 24, 2005

Drive bys in a small town……

I had just left the interstate and headed up through downtown West Point, Georgia. I was heading home after my World Literature class. I stopped at a lone red light on the two laned highway and a car pulled up beside me in the other lane. A horn honked loudly. I ignored it and drove on as the light turned green. The car pulled quickly up beside me and honked again for my attention. This time I turned and looked. It was Charlie in his Accord. He motioned for me to roll down my window as he let down his passenger’s side window. We were going 45 miles an hour.

“How in the hell did you get such a nice car?” He hollered with the wind blowing the hair on his almost bald head. He had this big grin on his face.

“It looks brand new.” He said.

Charlie was the one who suggested to my father that I get this car. His question was in jest.

“I spent all afternoon cleaning it up. I even waxed it.” I hollered back out my open window trying to stay in my lane.

“You’re lookin’ sharp!” He hollered as he rolled up his window and sped ahead of me and disappeared over the next hill.

I drove home with a big grin on my face and saying thanks to this man whom without I would not have this car. Thanks, Charlie!

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