Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rainy day morning……

I awoke to the sound of heavy rain. There is something about such mornings where you want to stay in bed and go back to sleep. The sound was comforting and calming. I rolled over and looked at my clock. 7 AM. It was time to get up. I have learned to get up early so I can sleep at night so I begrudgingly pulled myself out of bed. I pulled on my robe and slippers and sleepily walked into the kitchen to start my coffee. Before long the aroma of fresh brewed coffee jolted me back to life as I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

After I had a few cups of coffee, I decided to fix some breakfast as my grumbling stomach beckoned. I poached two eggs and then ate them on some toast with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese. That has become one of my favorite breakfasts.

Man, it is really raining hard now. It sounds like the common summer thunderstorm deluges we get here in the south. I am very tempted to go crawl back into the bed but I must prepare for my noon psychology exam. Will the exams ever end? I never remember being tested so much in my first round of college many years ago.

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