Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A quiet blog for a few days……

Some of you I have grown to be good friends with. If you don’t hear anything from me for a few days then do not fret. I have a very busy and stressful week going on right now. I have a major biology exam covering 4 chapters Thursday. I also have an extensive listening and essay exam for music appreciation on Thursday as well for the Baroque period.

I have learned that I cannot study effectively here at home. The internet is just too tempting and I can waste hours goofing off online when I should be studying. I have to hit the quiet, secluded, local county library to study and have done so all day today. Fortunately, I do no not have to work this week and it is nice when life’s little coincidences work out well.

So, if I do not write a few days then know that I busily cramming material in my already crowded brain. For biology, we are studying cellular organelles, plasma membranes, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. As you can see, I have a lot of material to cover in a few days. My mind is currently swirling with terms such as mitochondria and Golgi apparatus much as the debris from a shipwreck floats aimlessly on the ocean. I have to get it organized ASAP. Good night and take care.

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