Monday, February 28, 2005

A very long day ends……..

I see stars! I just walked outside to smoke my pipe and hundreds of twinkling jewels filled the night sky! The murky overcast has broken for a brief moment. It makes me long for the woods but responsibility beckons. No camping until at least Friday.

Tonight was my world literature class and we discussed Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The hour and fifteen minutes just flew by. I am very interested in medieval history, culture, and music lately and it has been a recurring theme in two of my classes. This greatly helps in keeping up my interest and motivation. If I could make a living being a medieval history scholar then I would have found my calling in life! I would be this frumpy old professor perusing old, dusty tomes for knowledge and imparting it upon others. Sadly, I have seen very few job listings for such a person in my local paper here in this small southern town of 3000. I would definitely be living in a tent again eating cold pork and beans from a can.

My psychology class on the other hand…..well I just sit there and watch my wrist watch. It is the longest fucking one hour and fifteen minutes of my life! Today, he couldn’t get his power point presentation to open so we just sat and talked about popular culture and how it relates to psychology. It was just one big chaotic mess. I felt as if I was amidst a very loud and bustling cocktail party. Information overload! He also started to go over the questions and answers for our next exam. He gave us the exact material that we would have on a printout verbatim. The catch was that it was a multiple choice printout and he didn’t mark which was the right answer so no one knew what to memorize or study. He started to go over it to give us the answers but couldn’t answer them himself so we gave up trying to do that. I felt sorry for the guy. He was a psychology major and couldn’t answer questions from the most basic psychology 200 class material. He is a likeable guy but can’t get his shit together. I am beyond caring any longer and will just take the freebie A grade. Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches.


Blogging etiquette……

I realized tonight that many of you take time out of your busy days to write me a comment and I rarely respond. I do so much appreciate the comments and it makes what I write seem worth the effort. I read each and every one with earnestness. I enjoy the discourse and the addition of material to my blog. Comments make a blog vibrant and interesting or I should say you help make this blog vibrant and interesting!

The fact is that I mainly read my comments with my email client and rarely read them by opening my blog. Blogger has this neat feature where all comments can be emailed to you and that is what I do. If you don’t have a responding address in the blog comment then I sometimes forget to come back here and post a reply. I tried tonight to manually go back over some comments and post a response. If I don’t respond sometimes then click on my profile and fire off an email. That will get my attention! Thank you all for the time you take to join in on my life and comment.

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