Monday, February 28, 2005

This damnable weather…….

I awoke this morning to the theme tune to the PBS cartoon Dragon Tales. Somehow I had turned on the internal timer to my television and it clicked on early into the night but didn’t awake me. The tune was quite catchy I might add and I caught myself singing along. I stumbled along to my kitchen in a sleepy haze to prepare my morning coffee. Before long the pot was percolating away and the smell of fresh brewed coffee infiltrated my apartment. That smell reminds me so keenly of my days as a child when I would stay with grandmother on her farm in the country every summer. That smell would usually be accompanied by the smell of frying bacon and baking homemade biscuits. She would be sitting at the table sipping on her coffee in her night gown with a hair net on. Oh, how I dearly miss her.

After I had awakened enough and imbibed enough caffeine I walked to the door to check on the weather. As you may know my windows are covered with milky white plastic. A grey, chilly, and dreary morning awaited me. I long for the sun and the warm days of last week. Spring will be here soon and I will rejoice in its arrival. This murky weather depresses me and I get a temporary seasonal affective disorder from it. It is as if the sun has decided to take a few days off and rest much as I did this weekend from school.

Well, I must get on the ball, grab a shower, and get dressed. My useless psychology class awaits with the noted bumbling instructor. I feeling a keen anxiety about school this morning and can’t put my finger on its source. Maybe it is the thought that I have much to do this week and must get busy. Good morning to you all and have a good day.

PS. I received word from Pipe Tobacco. He is extremely busy with grant writing and research and has not had time to update his blog. He is also experiencing computer problems at home. Let’s hope he can get back online soon. I have missed his literary efforts very much lately.

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