Thursday, February 03, 2005

98 points of joy!

Yep, that’s what I made on my biology exam. After class, I went directly to my father’s pharmacy to spread the good news. Everyone was very happy for me and congratulated me. I feel very accomplished and pleased. It was a major hurtle for me and I jumped it with aplomb.

So far, I am very pleased with the education I am getting. The only notable exception is my sorry, lazy, piece of shit psychology instructor. He keeps insisting that the class call him Professor Larkin. I call him Paul. Credit is due where credit is deserved. He only has a master’s degree. He was a sign painter for twenty years and went back to college to become a teacher. I hope his sign painting skills are still up to date because he is a lousy teacher. Note for prospective students. If your instructor takes a whole week of class just to show some cheesy, predictable feature length film, run very hard and fast in the other direction.

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