Thursday, February 24, 2005

Another day dawns…….

Well, I made it to my morning class. I drug myself to the car and drove the fifteen minutes to school. My floorboards were filled with water from the rain last night and every time I hit the brakes the water would slosh forward onto my feet. It was very frustrating. So there I sat in class in a sleepy daze with wet tennis shoes. I did find out that my evening class is cancelled so I am going to head out soon.

On an interesting side note, I spoke to my World Literature instructor this morning. He told me that he used my essays on Gilgamesh and The Oresteia as an example of how to write good essays in MLA format to his English 102 class. That made me very proud. It made me beam with pride on an otherwise dreary morning.

I have decided to forego going to the river. It has been very warm lately and that most likely means the usual black men who drink and fish will be down at the river. I very much need some solitude. I think I am going to drive the 45 minutes to Waverly, Alabama and camp out by our pond on some land that my father owns. This is a completely secluded spot miles away from any habitation. It is over a hundred acres. The land is filled with old growth hard woods and pines. I am going to pitch my tent amid the pines upon the soft bedding of pine needles on the forest floor. We have yet to stock the pond with fish so I will not be able to go fishing. Dad is planning on stocking it this spring.

I have $20 dollars left from this week’s budget. I have been very frugal this week. I am going to buy a fifth of southern comfort and go drown my sorrows for a few days. I am going to smoke ample amounts from my pipe and sit by a crackling fire. I also have great hopes for a few good storms tonight even though that entails being stuck in my tent. There is nothing like the patter of rain and the rumbles of thunder to soothe my soul. I shall don my little radio, tune it to NPR, take a few stiff drinks, and throw a few more limbs on the fire. I also need to finish The Last of the Mohicans and will endeavor to do that as well. Good day and I hope you all have a good weekend. I am off to spend some very much needed quality solitude time with myself.

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