Monday, February 07, 2005

Frugal aspirations……

I visit several forums dedicated to social work and social workers. I find most of the topics interesting and stimulating. It gives me a good idea of what to expect when I graduate and start my professional career. One topic that comes up with regularity is the disparity between social worker’s salaries as compared to other less challenging professions. The common consensus is that you will make between 30K and 35K you’re starting year. Many people begrudge this and moan about it. I would be thrilled to have such an opportunity to make such a LARGE amount of money.

What I live on what would be considered a paltry sum to most. I don’t think I live a harsh life or uncomfortable existence. I am actually am still able to put aside money every month for an emergency fund. Yes, I have to budget tightly and live a more Spartan lifestyle but all my current basics are met. I have shelter, food, a warm bed, warmth, and a vehicle. Everything else is just fluff such as my internet account.

On the other hand, just think of what I could do with just $30K a year. That would almost double my income. Would my spending habits change and I become a consumer again in earnest? I hope I will maintain my Spartan lifestyle and save, save, save. I hope that I will have the good sense to think ahead and always be prepared. Put $30K into the hands of a careless consumer and you will have disaster. Put $30K in the hands of a hardened, thrifty spender and you will have a fortune. I hope I will be the latter case.

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