Monday, February 14, 2005

The first signs of spring……

The daffodils and bluebonnets are blooming in earnest in the yard. The lawn is also turning green again. It got up to 75 degrees today and was very warm here. I so wanted to share pictures of the flowers and almost went out and bought a digital camera at Wal-Mart. I held my paycheck in hand and debated over it. My better nature got the best of me though. I deposited that amount into my savings/emergency account. It would be silly of me to buy a frivolous camera just to post pictures to a weblog. I feel defiant tonight in that I resisted the urge to impulse buy.

Tonight I had an exam in World Literature. It was 100 multiple choice questions and they were quite tricky. I have no earthly idea on how well I did. I will find out Wednesday night. I did take the time to go over every answer a second time but caught myself second guessing a lot. The questions on the exam were like this:

The epic of Gilgamesh is believed to have its origins around ______________.
A) 400 BC
B) 1200 BC
C) 2700 BC
D) 3500 BC

Much ancient literature was passed down______________________.
A) Orally
B) Through transcription.
C) Clay tablets.
D) On scrolls

There you can get an idea of what was asked and how it was worded.

Tomorrow, I have my early Biology class and must not dick around on the web tonight. I need to get to bed at a rational hour and will endeavor to do so. I am now off to go take a shower and fix a bite to eat. Left over barbeque it is! Yum.

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