Monday, March 07, 2005

Plan of Action…..

I hate to write posts like I did last night. I just tend to be an all or nothing fellow and things can get overwhelming. A perfectionist you could say. I am going to tread lightly and take things easy this week. I will do just what I have to do to get by and to continue on. Thanks Pipe for the comment and O’Brien for the email. I do not want anyone to feel like they must post after my rants though. I do it to make myself feel better and to vent. It is not a cry for attention.

You would just have to understand my social peers and group. I am surrounded by very “successful” and busy people and it makes me feel inadequate. I know I shouldn’t feel that way and I often try to cast off those feelings but they do sometimes get the best of me.

One thing I do not want this blog to turn into is a whiney bitch fest of a journal. I read far too many of those and they grow tiresome. This blog is dead enough as it is. I think I will just take a break from blogging for awhile and lay low through a difficult period. I just do not have the energy or good vibes to write effectively at the time being. I hope this all finds you having a good week and I shall endeavor to have a good one as well.

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