Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Chill out, dude!

I have had this ton of anxiety about school lately. I wake up with butterflies in my stomach and worry all day. I finally got some relief this morning. I realized that I am making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is the reason I start something and then quit. When I can’t do something perfectly, I will quit doing it, period. My father calls it the A or an F syndrome. I can’t find a middle ground. Well, I am tired of worrying and will do my very best to take a laid back attitude towards school come what may.

This morning I was going through my daily reads of blogs. I stopped by Prison Pete and realized something. I am so damn lucky to be free to fail or free to do whatever. Pete would love to have the opportunity to just sit in a class a free man. He would love to take a long walk unhindered or to have the opportunities that I have. I will strive today to just appreciate what makes life worth living. I am alive, healthy, and in a good mental state. I am lucky to have the choice to do what I want.

I shall do small things today to pamper myself. I shall drink lots of good coffee. I shall also take time to enjoy my pipe. I will take a nice long nap this afternoon. Now, enough of pep talk, lets go get a good breakfast started. I think I shall cook a ham and cheese omelet with buttered toast; sounds good to me. I am off to go enjoy life for a change and cast my worries to the wayside.

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