Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Is the glass half full or half empty?

Half full of course but sometimes I get off the beaten path and get transient. It takes a calm day of quiet reflection to get me back on focus. I have much to be grateful for. I have a new home that is very economical and inexpensive. I will very soon have a very dependable used vehicle that is like a Cadillac compared to my current ride. I have a warm bed, good clothes, and good food. I have so many positive things I should focus on instead of the negative but sometimes I digress. Sometimes I need a good, firm kick in the ass to wake me up. I get complacent. I grow spoiled compared to my life a year ago.

I have also cut out the alcohol lately. It just depresses me too much and I find myself growing dependent upon it again. I have too many good things going on than “to play with fire” to quote a friends email. I love to escape reality and to drift away and use alcohol to do this. I don’t think I am an alcoholic in the traditional sense but I do have the insight to know I enjoy its effects too much. I shall once again climb aboard the wagon and start down the wagon trail.

I managed to make a 94 on my very hard biology test. The class average was 70. I exuberantly called my father to report the good news this morning. He and I both were very proud. This was some hard material folks and a lot of it. I am now past the half way point in the semester. I have proven to myself that I can do it. I am now going to focus on learning and not grades. All I have to have is a 2.0 GPA to get into the school of social work. I am going to take the route that if school is growing tiring and toilsome then do something to change that. This morning during lecture I listened intently and worked on a simple form of shorthand. Previously, I would frantically try to write every word to the point of misery and exhaustion. My poor hand would be cramping. I also wouldn’t take the time to comprehend the material as I was so busy scribbling. Today, I took a lackadaisical approach and enjoyed myself. I walked out with learning something new.

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