Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Let’s liven things up for a change…….

My, this blog has grown boring. I was rereading some of my past posts from my former blogs and they were far more interesting. I wrote a lot about the gang down at the Piggly Wiggly and what was happening in AA and why I disliked it. I got a lot of
hits over those AA posts. My homeless days were really interesting. Maybe a little dialogue will liven this blog back up to standard. I guess I could repost some of my writings as a homeless man.

I was talking to a friend tonight before class. We were talking about blogs. He said he has had over 100,000 visitors so far. (I was dubious) He mainly talks about politics but does a unique slant on blogging.

“100,000 visitors? Shit man, that’s a lot.” I said.

“I have a secret though that brings in the hits.” He replied.

“What is it?” I asked inquisitively.

“Breasts.” He replied with a coy smile.

“Pictures?” I asked.

“Every week I find a nice rack on the internet and post it to my blog.” He replied looking proud. “Google does the rest. You just have to write a little bit and name the jpeg suggestively.”

I laughed really loudly.

“I am not sure that is how I what to garner readership to my blog.” I replied.

“You do what you have to do.” He said.

I wanted to tell him that people were visiting his blog just to view porn and not read his writings. They only check in to see if he has posted another set of breasts. I knew this would fall on deaf ears and burst his bubble so I declined to offer my own wisdom.

Okay, this brings me too……

What makes a blog interesting to me……?

1) The author has to write well. The subject matter doesn’t have to be too interesting but I like to read coherent sentences and decently formed paragraphs. (You would be surprised at how many blogs can’t do this. If I see one gigantic, huge paragraph I will not read.) Especially notable is that you increase my vocabulary and make me go to a dictionary to look up a word. I enjoy that as I am nerd about those things and love to learn a new vocabulary word.

2) You update with regularity. Nothing runs off readers than an infrequently updated blog. Regular updates assure readers that the time they commit to finding out more about you will not go to waste. They read your archives and then stop by later for new posts if your archives interested them.

3) I will quit reading if you are a hypochondriac. I get tired of whining about medical issues that never seem to end. If you populate your posts with links to obscure medical terms then that is a very big clue to me that you are an obsessive hypochondriac. You need to be treated for hypochondria and not asthma.

4) If it is a personal journal, share details. If you write mainly personal everyday stuff, I want to know what you ate and things like that. If you are in a relationship then paint a vivid picture of your partner and their habits. People like to compare their lives and read those little details. I makes everyday, boring things seem interesting.

5) I am attracted to blogs where I can see a picture of the author. There is just something personal and intimate about it that makes me get interested in what a blogger has to say. A picture can say a thousand words.

6) (My biggest pet peeve) If you post a lot of links on your blog, use the target=”AuxWindow” html tag so they will open in a new window. I came to your blog to read what you have to say. I don’t want to go on a wild goose chase over links and then find my way back to your blog again to continue. Remember, “pops in a new window” is your friend.

Well, I could probably do on and on about this but will stop at six. I just thought it would make for more interesting reading. I swear, I am going to liven this blog up for those of you that have read a long time. If I break any of my suggestions above for an interesting blog then chastise me. 8^)

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