Tuesday, March 08, 2005

A quest for spring…..

I took a long walk this afternoon. My goal was to find signs of spring other than my backyard. I am glad to report that I found many. Within weeks here in the south we will have a cornucopia of new growth. All the trees and shrubs are putting on new leaves. The dogwood tree buds are waiting to burst. Daffodils are blooming everywhere. I grow very excited. I am a summer kind of guy. I do not mind the heat of the south at all. Bring on the one hundred degree days. I am ready. I definitely have a case of spring fever.

I have decided to take only one class this summer and that will be Algebra. I discussed it with my father this afternoon. He has a friend who is a judge and whose wife teaches math at the Opelika, Alabama campus. He is going to call her tonight and get advice as to what level class I should start at. Keep in mind that I am a math dufus. I am illiterate when it comes to math to be honest. That is why I want to focus only on it this upcoming semester. My father means so well and wants so very much for me to succeed at this. I think he is more excited about me being in college than I am. I owe him much and I love him. It does put a god damned great deal of pressure on me though. I tried to look at the positive side of the coin today. How many people will have a four year degree paid for? Many will have debt and student loans. I am lucky on those regards.

Oh, bring on those long, lazy, humid days of a southern summer. Bring on the afternoon thunderstorms. I will welcome them all with open arms. I have many adventurous fishing trips and camping trips already planned in my head. I look forward to waking up in my tent on a cool July night to smoke my pipe. The sounds of a far off whip-o-will will great me with a thousand night time stars twinkling in the night time sky. Just a few more short weeks and my dreams will be realized.

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