Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Words of wisdom from my brother……

My brother called me tonight inquiring about my biology exam tomorrow. Somehow we got on the subject of Terri Schiavo while making small talk. I normally don’t keep up with the news or media but the mainstream media is flogging this horse to death and you can’t escape hearing or reading about it.

I wanted a physician’s point of view on this subject and Alex delivered some interesting points. Alex made the point that thousands of people in Terri’s condition are taken off life support every week and you never hear one iota out of the media, government, or religious groups about it. He said that this controversy was not really about one woman’s plight. Political and religious entities are using this poor woman’s condition for political gain and self interests and the media is having a feeding frenzy about it.

He also pointed out the irony of the President’s stance on this. He said she is most likely on disability and Medicare. Her family is not wealthy and couldn’t afford the long term medical costs. Bush is trying to cut Medicare/Medicaid budgets and yet he signed legislation to stop the death of one brain damaged woman who has cost the taxpayers possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills over the past fifteen years.

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