Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Grand Meal and a Beautiful Day

I awoke this morning around 5 AM. After drinking a pot of coffee, I put on my hiking clothes and went for a long walk in the predawn dark. Everything was so quiet and all the houses were still unlit. It seemed as if the whole world was still asleep and I was the only awakened soul; this lonely man walking the byways of a slumbering town.

I walked the streets around my neighborhood that were illuminated by the soft glow of streetlights. It was so serene and calming. Times like these are my moments to organize my thoughts and to soothe my soul. Soon, the vibrant stars in the sky dimmed and disappeared. Dawn began to make its appearance as the pitch black sky turned a pale blue. I walked up my driveway to a beautiful view of the rising sun in the east as I concluded my hike.

I came in and fixed breakfast. It was nothing elaborate; just some oatmeal with a liberal dab of grape jelly to sweeten it. I then made up my bed, took a shower, and got in front of this computer to check my daily reads I spent several hours just perusing different websites that engender my interest.

The Phone rang harshly and broke the silence. It was my father.

“I am cooking lunch so don’t eat anything,” He said. “Come on over as soon as you want to.”

“Let me change clothes and I will be right over,” I replied.

I walked over and sat on my parent’s couch reading the latest National Geographic. The smells coming from the kitchen made me salivate and my stomach growled with hunger.

“Time to eat!” Dad called from the kitchen. “Go get your mother out of the bed.”

Dad had fixed a wonderful lunch of roast beef with potatoes, onions, and carrots. The side dishes were a hearty broccoli and rice casserole, English peas, pear salad, and cornbread. We all ate until we were stuffed. I ate two plates full of food myself.

Afterwards, I and my dad sat on the back porch as I smoked my pipe. My pipe smoking habit intrigues him. He often calls me “professor” when he sees me smoking it. It is a good hearted jibe.

“I am so proud of you lately,” He said.

“Why?” I asked after I exhaled another draw of smoke from my pipe.

“You just seem to be doing so well,” He said. “Everyone down at the store and many of my customers have complimented on you the past few weeks. You just seem so healthy and have done a damn fine job lately

“Thanks, I really appreciate that a lot,” I replied. “Hearing it makes a world of difference.”

“Well, I am going to go put my pajamas back on and take a long nap,” Dad said.

“Dad, that sounds like a wonderful idea,” I replied.

“Was my lunch good?” He asked as he stood up to go back inside.

“Dad, you would have made your mother proud,” I replied. “It was delicious.”

I walked on home and took a short nap as well. I then spent the rest of the afternoon tinkering with my blog template and trying to learn some more HTML and CSS coding. In all, it has been a good day.

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