Sunday, September 04, 2005

Sunday Morning Bliss

Ah, mornings such as this put a smile on my face and a feeling of wellness in my heart and mind. It is wonderfully cool and the shining globe of the sun is hanging low on the horizon. A chorus of crickets and songbirds are serenading me. Dew is upon the grass and glistening like little jewels in the early morning light.

I sat for the longest time on my porch smoking my pipe and drinking mug after mug of coffee. Mornings like these make me want to don my backpack and set out for adventures far a field. Finally, I had drunk enough coffee to awaken me and came in and fixed some cheese grits and toast for breakfast. What a great start for the day.


The Good Luck Charm

My father bought me a season ticket for Auburn Football games. Last night was the first game of the season. Last year, I went to every home game with him and was considered the “good luck charm” by him and all his friends who attend with us. Every time I attended we won. I know it is just silly superstition, but my father and friends treat Auburn football as if it were a religion.

Yesterday evening I didn’t feel well. I had worked all morning and didn’t sleep well the night before. The game wasn’t to start until 8:45 PM as it was nationally televised by ESPN. I don’t know if you have ever been to a nationally televised game, but the commercial breaks greatly extend the length of the game and are aggravating. You just sit up in the stands for five minutes or more while nothing on the field occurs. These breaks come at an alarming rate as well. Being televised meant that I probably wouldn’t get home until well after midnight.

Dad called me around yesterday afternoon and I was in the middle of a nap.

“You’re coming to the game tonight, aren’t you?” He asked. “Your sister and brother-in-law are driving down to join us.”

“Dad, I am going to sit this one out,” I replied. “I don’t feel well and am just really tired today.”

“But you are our good luck charm!” He exclaimed.

“It makes me so proud that you want me to go with you, but I am going to have to pass this time,” I said.

“Well, if my family is happy then I am happy,” He replied. “You stay home and get some rest.”

Auburn had the third longest winning streak in the nation before last nights game. Georgia Tech ended that streak and beat us pretty badly. Now I am glad I stayed at home and didn’t get intermixed with those great crowds of people. I bet that was a long, late drive home last night for my father, sister, and brother-in-law. I am sure I will get some good hearted jibes that it was my not attending that caused us to lose. After all, I am supposedly the good luck charm.

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