Saturday, September 10, 2005

The Realist Begins a Quiet Weekend

I sometimes get this revolutionary/activist bent. I see so much wrong and so much injustice in the way things are currently going, but I finally settle back down and the realist in me comes front and center. There is nothing I can really do in my current situation to make much change other than to explore new ideas and to write about it. I don’t think our current system of corporatist government is going to change in my lifetime or anytime soon. It is far too entrenched and far too powerful.

In these times though I am like a sponge soaking up ideas and knowledge. I have pretty much spent my spare time the past few days searching for essays/articles and reading constantly. When I exhaust one author’s works, I move on to another. This morning, I passed the time reading Noam Chomsky’s writings and pondering over his ideas. I even found that he has a blog and some entries have over 700 hundred comments! Could you imagine trying to keep up with that? I find it hard just keeping up with the sparse few comments I do receive on this meager blog.

Anyways, much of the day today will be spent reading, drinking coffee, and smoking. I have to work two hours, but then will be off until Monday. The only other things I have planned are recording the Auburn Football game and editing out the commercials via my computer. I will then burn it to a DVD so I can watch it on my television and don’t have to sit in front of this computer monitor. I will also have to complete my daily walk. (I like to call it my daily hike as that sounds more adventurous.)

Right, let me get a shower and get ready for work. Deliveries await me. Also, I want to go by the farmer’s market and see if something fancies me for supper tonight, although I have enough vegetable soup left over to feed me for days. I think I shall just freeze it. Good day.

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