Friday, September 23, 2005

The Fallible Man

When I have hard weeks such as this, I am overcome with apathy. I dread everything. Even a shower and shave becomes an ordeal to overcome and accomplish. I mainly want to just stay in the bed and rest, but then I get restless doing that as well and crawl back out of it.

This morning I awoke at my usual time of 7 AM and stumbled into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator door and just stood there for a few moments trying to decide between a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice. I didn’t feel like doing anything such as cooking but managed to toast some raisin bread and spread that with peanut butter. The warm bread made the peanut butter warm and gooey. It tasted delicious with that glass of cold milk.

I then dragged myself into the shower, turned on the hot water, and sat upon the toilet procrastinating crawling in as the whole bathroom became filled with steam. I finally shed my clothes and stood under the hot water bathing myself and then shaving. I dried off, blow dried my hair, and put on some clean clothes. I then sat down in my lazy boy lounge chair and read a book until 9 AM. It was time for my next dreaded task; getting my bi-weekly injection.

I drove down to the doctor’s office and it was uncharacteristically deserted. I was the only one there and they had that damned television playing at a loud volume. That silly Maury Povich show was on showcasing dysfunctional thirty year old women dating teenagers. When the receptionist wasn’t paying attention, I snuck over and turned down the volume to a more comfortable level. I would have turned the damn thing off, but it would have drawn too much attention from the staff.

Finally, they called me back for my shot. It took Andrea, the nurse, just a matter of minutes to administer it and it was mostly a pain free experience. I thanked her for her skill and bid her a good weekend. I then drove home. Now, what to do with the rest of the day is the big question. I have to work a few hours this afternoon, but other than that have hours upon hours to fill. I think I shall just go sit and read and see where that leads me.

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